A Dinner Party With Our Exes

This collection is inspired by the small-town feel that is Tulsa, OK, especially in queerness. Everyone knows everyone, and everyone dates everyone. The pool can seem very small, but that is part of what makes this home so comforting – that everywhere you go, someone familiar is there to embrace you. So, this is not only a dinner party with my exes, but our exes.

Consider this the amateur midwestern Judy Chicago’s “Dinner Party.” Each vulva represents a quintessential lesbian – unique but stereotyped. As you admire, reflect on those in your life that these stories remind you of, and let them know that you’re thinking of them. View the dinner party at day and night, from inside the gallery and on the street, to see the different ways the colors dance and the patterns churn in the glass – much like we morph depending on our surroundings.

Tulsa Artist Fellowship Flagship Gallery and Archer Studios - Tulsa, OK

May-June-July 2023


The Diversity of Queer Sex (2023)


The Divine Feminine (2021)