The Divine Feminine

“The Divine Feminine” is a concept of balance within each person – a delicate equilibrium of femininity and masculinity independent of gender. Spiritually feminine qualities include intuition, nurture, healing, gentleness, expressiveness, wisdom, patience, emotion, and flexibility. Spiritually masculine qualities include logic, reason, action, firmness, survival, loyalty, adventurousness, rationality, and strength. Again, this is not tied firmly to your gender. Feminine does not equal woman, and masculine does not equal man. I think we know by now that it will never be that simple. Everyone is all of this, no matter what you feel in your soul or what you see in the mirror. Learn to tap into each trait here and celebrate the divinity inside each of us. Break down sexist cultural expectations and norms, encourage those around you to find better equilibrium of these divine qualities.

Dennis R Neill Equality Center - Tulsa, OK

March 2021


A Dinner Party With Our Exes (2023)


Holy Shit (2022-23)